
Standing Houston

        Lately I've been feeling more and more aches and pains almost all of them arriving or worsening when I've been sitting for awhile.  So the recent medical report that all of the sitting we do increases our chance of heart attack by 54% I sat, er, stood up and took notice.  

        It is likely I spend 12 hours a day sitting.  This does not include sitting up in bed or driving.  This is just sitting at a desk, at work or at home.  Which means of the hours I spend conscious each day 75% of them are spent in a semi-recumbent position. Holy Sedentary Lifestyle, Batman!!

        So for an experiment I thought I would try standing more of today. Here are a few initial observations.

  1. I am feeling a bit more energized and engaged. Although I am a morning person this is still a bit of an increase in sharpness.
  2. It is obvious that my body is thoroughly unaccustomed ot this. My legs, back and other bits are complaining that they have not been asked to do this for some time. Which is more evidence that this might be good.
  3. My office is thoroughly committed to me being in a semi-recumbent position. I can work at my computer and keyboard in this posture, but as for writing and reading or study, that is completely not feasible. I would need to raise my desk level some 12.5" in order to comfortably write at it.
  4. Standing will mean I can look into everyone else's cubicle with ease. As there are few of us over here right now that is not an issue, later it may be.
        So I'm coming up on one hour of verticality this morning. The fun part too is engineers are problem solvers. I just gave my office mates a whole host of problems to solve and are they off to the races.

        Ad Astra Per Aspera,


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