
What do I believe?

        My friend Staci asked a few days ago, what do we believe enough in to take time off and have someone pay for the time I'm off. What do I believe in that much? Below is my answer. If you find theological or other errors they are entirely mine. Blame not the faith for my failure.

        At the very core of my understanding is an unflinching belief that all that is, was and will be, exists only because a Person beyond imagining made it all . That Person did all of it out of love. A love incomprehensible but available for all to experience, even the least who move upon this Earth.

        We humans, created in the likeness of The Person rejected that being in favour of a sham of being. We choose death over life, hate over love and destruction over renewal. The Person, the Great I Am, called to us time and again to repent and to reject our evil. In the end I Am loved us so much that he sent Himself, The Logos, his Son to live as a human. By living as a Man, Jesus the Christ, came into direct conflict with how we humans have arranged matters. And the inevitable occurred. We chose again to murder the innocent to save us from recognizing our guilt and wickedness. Yet this death, endured out of love, shattered for ever the power of the institution of Sacred Murder which men had constructed to keep self-knowledge at bay and the world working smoothly. Murder we still do, in our hearts and in deed, but the power of this to sustain societies is buried. Now all it can do is kill, not create.

        While evil thrashes in its inevitable death we are left with a choice. Each day that choice is clearer and each day we are asked again to choose between love and life or hate and death. We were not however left alone when Christ took his physical leave of this Earth. He could not bear to be apart from us and knew we are still weak and would need His aid. And so his Spirit came to us, dwells amongst us and is ever ready to help us. That coming we understand as the beginning of The Church, our guardian and guide while we live here. Now that the Spirit is here, we only have to admit our evil, repent and live into the real life poured out for us on Calvary. We only have to give over, releasing the belief in control and believe in love.

        We now live in the meantime, between when wickedness worked and the full and complete establishment of the kingdom. The power of evil is broken, though it still plays for our attention and draws us in to its embrace of emptiness. I believe that we cannot stop other humans from following evil and dying in the falseness. He has given us the freedom to choose and choice must be left intact lest we deny the very essence of the likeness of Him in which we are created.

        I believe I must each day reject hate and selfish desires by embracing love and Christ.

        That is what I believe. That salvation, for each person and for all humanity, lies only in recognition of these truths and embracing the life offered. All other ways lead to destruction. I make no explanation of how belief came or how it is sustained. That is not our purpose here today. Today is for affirmation.

        My mind can scarcely grasp any part of this at one time and so The Church has graciously provided seasons in which to focus upon some of the mysteries. Today the season is one of rejoicing in the great gift of God to his people. Later will be seasons to celebrate and live through the other mysteries. For now I am called to rejoice and give thanks for the gift beyond measure.

        Happy Advent and Merry Christmas to all. May the love of God be with you now and always.



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