
Amazing joy

        Last night Aidan and I were discussing cars, college plans, you know, the usual.

        Me: "What do you want to study in college? I mean depending upon what you want to do..."
        Aidan: "I want to work for NASA."
        Me: "OK, engineering then."

        I love guy conversations, they just get to the point. ☺

        All of a sudden, I was overwhelmed by this sense of joy that my son shares a passion for something I've devoted over twenty years to doing. This is no longer a game. It just got amazingly real. Now someone who really matters, Aidan, is wanting to come this way and it is time to sit up straighter and take stock of what I'm doing.

        Never have I demanded or pressured my children to want to do what I do. They need to carve for themselves a life best suited to them. Yet I can't help the tears that come to my eyes thinking about it. Sort of like when I learned we were expecting Connor. All of that basic, man-desire to have a son came rushing in, "I'm gonna have a son!" I'd never subscribed to the boys are better than girls crap. I pride myself on being a properly forward thinking man. Yet when Connor got here I felt such elation and joy. Was so strong I felt guilty for being so happy. Then when Aidan got here it was deja vu all over again.

        Here it is again. Aidan wants to come join in on this wild, insane enterprise of exploring this universe. What a spectacular feeling. Screw feeling guilty this time. I'm just going to say, "YES!" and rest in the joy of a passion Aidan and I share. It is so good.

        Better get this place cleaned up. He'll be here soon. ☺

        Ad Astra Per Aspera,


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