
The Years of Living Deliberately

Greetings all,
        Yesterday was the kick-off for the Space Systems Engineering Development Program (SSEDP). I am fortunate to be a participant in this the second class of SSEDP. In the midst of learning all of the particulars of the course and the expectations upon the participants, I received a bit of enlightenment. With this in play I'll no longer be able to maintain my professional or personal levels of performance by happenstance.
        In other words: I can't sleep-walk my way through life and work serene in the assurance that things will get done. That simply will not do from here forward. This is a blessing to be sure and likely explains much of my reluctance to take on this work. My slothful nature recoiled at the idea of actually having to do more than what comes easily or naturally.

        Last night I spent some time considering how I behaved and the habits I formed the last time I took courses and had projects for classes due. I ate poorly, slept poorly and generally drove myself with little regard for the effects upon my health or those around me. Today I'm a married father of two with an active and demanding job. The old ways simply will not do.

        No longer will may I assume that I can read two chapters in Luke, tomorrow, help the boys with homework, tomorrow or make love with Amy, tomorrow. Such assumptions are thieves of tomorrow.

        To that end if I declare, before those whose opinion matters, what is afoot and my determination to put these things right I will be much more likely to create the necessary structure and work to it. There are several things I must balance in order to make this work.

        God (Didn't expect that from a liberal pinko did ya?)
                Religious duties aside, if I'm not right here, I'll be wrong everywhere. Time apart for Him is important beyond words especially when adding greater stressors to my life. Therefore I must be more deliberate in making that quite space in my day to reconnect with Him.

                Should I collapse from exhaustion or a heart attack, I'll be of no use to anyone. At present I'm at least fifty pounds overweight. If I just dive into work and classes I'll likely end these two years that much heavier and possibly a member of the zipper club. That simply cannot be. I must not only avoid deteriorating further I must set myself on a path towards improving my overall health. Time to set up a diet and exercise regimen that will work.

                Dates, college visits, baseball games, mission trips, theatrical productions, etc.; all of these things are important and some will happen for the last time in the coming years. Time will never be found for these things, time must be made for them. I promise to make the time for the important events in our life together and jealously guard it against all things that claim the tyrannical powers of urgency.

                Tommy Holloway pointed out that SSEDP should be treated as more important than my Day Job. My boss may need to hear the rationale before he agrees. Tommy is a veteran of pre-Apollo through Station, a venerable southern gentleman and a Razorback; his advice is not to be taken lightly. Therefore SSEDP work will take precedence. Of course I'm expected to do it all but if it comes down to the wire, I know which way to jump.

         Other speakers yesterday explained this is all about me and my improvement. It is a time to prepare myself, to improve my skills, to sharpen my tools as it were. One called it a time to be selfish. I preferred how Tommy expressed it; this is a time to prepare for when I am asked to do the extraordinary. Who can resist such an invitation? Frankly it was that statement which triggered the understanding that is is a calling, a rare opportunity to focus and prepare for the challenges ahead.

        Of course enlightenment does not come with a step-by-step plan. That is what we are for. So now it is time to make those plans, to set in place the supports which when the pressure is on will allow me to continue making progress.

        There will be concerns that I'll become a demonic martinet unable to deviate from a plan for even the most compelling reasons. There are those who would argue this is my condition now. I'm mentioning all of this to everyone so that if I fall into that trap you'll feel comfortable yelling, "Put down the pencil and step away from the desk!" ☺ I will make time for doing "nothing" by making time for that which matters. I'll be sure to leave room for silliness and fun. Cocktails on the veranda and private time with my honey will not be lost.

        Now is the time to live deliberately; to spend my time only where it is best spent and to purge from my life that which does not serve my better purposes.


        Ad Astra Per Aspera,


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